Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Leading with Lollipops"

While working for Canyons, I have had the wonderful opportunity to view several TED talks, and in consequence, I have become a HUGE fan.

The talk below has become quite my favorite because it has A LOT of applicability outside of my job as a teacher specialist...

The little things that we can do everyday that make us "leaders"

It's 6 minutes long, but well worth the view!!

I have had three "lollipop" moments (that stand out to me) and, unfortunately, have not taken the time to tell those people what an impact they had on me in that one little moment...

It's my goal to tell the two people (I have no idea who the 3rd person is) about the "lollipop moments" before the year is up...

Do you have a "lollipop moment?"

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Something to really think about. Love those tedtalks, thanks for sharing. Congrats on the little guy, and the baby too =) Hope you are doing well.