Sunday, November 1, 2009

Oh the joys...

While we have been here in Connecticut, Steve has taken on the daunting task of getting the kids ready and dropped off at daycare before he heads to school. You smile because you can only guess where this is heading...As you all know, it is really hard to get two kids dressed and out the door happily and without any tears or mishaps, and its nearly impossible to get two kids ready and out the door when you have a time deadline to meet ("Dad, Molly is stinky...Look Dad, I took off all my clothes while you put Molly's clothes on...Dad, Molly spilt all her milk...How come Molly is wearing my underwear on her head? DAD!!!! DADDY!!!"). Now you are chuckling to yourself because you can relate all too well...No matter how hard Steve tries, no matter how early he gets up or how fast he goes, something always goes arwy...

Last week Steve was having a rough morning and was wondering how much worse it could get. He was downstairs getting ready to fix the kids eggs for breakfast when James called him upstairs. While he was tending to James, he heard a strange popping sound, then he started to smell something and soon the house was filled with an odd smelling smoke. Steve ran downstairs to discover that his cell phone was cooked more than the eggs were...and there weren't any eggs on the stove! Apparently when he was called away from breakfast preparations, he set his cell phone down on the stove (we have a flat top stove) and the burner was on. Needless to say, it was beyond saving. So if any of you have tried to call Steve, he isn't ignoring your call, he's just not able to take any calls at the moment...


Trisha said...

Yikes! You crack me up. Good luck Steve.

Jessica 7 said...

Oh my goodness! That was hilarious - thanks for the very expensive laugh! (hope you get a new phone soon.)

Q said...

Well, you win some and you lose some! He's a brave man!