Saturday, February 20, 2010

Winter Break

Last week (2/15 - 2/19) I was off of school due to winter break. Before the break started I had visions of all the grand adventures I would have with James & Molly: sledding, playing in the snow, field trips to the library, day trips to Boston Museums...oh it was going to be wonderful and I could hardly wait for the vacation to begin!

Lucky me, I got to start the vacation early on Friday the 12th...Molly had a fever and was not acting her usual cheery self. Come to find out she had an ear infection and of course James wasn't acting quite himself either.

Long story short; alas, my visions for an adventure-filled winter break were not to be. Not wanting to "share the love" with everyone, we quarantined ourselves to the house. We spent the week wiping runny noses, taking cough syrup, and recovering from the ailments of winter.

But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy myself! What's the old adage: a day at home tending sick kids beats a good day at New London High School?????
Our week was filled with sleeping in and lazy mornings in bed...

Sometimes we didn't get dressed until noon. It was awesome!

Fort building...


reading stories....

and of course painting...and no painting session is complete without painting yourself.

Even though we didn't get to do any of the adventures I had originally planned, it was still a very enjoyable break. I even accomplished some of the tasks on my list: mainly getting all of our tax paperwork together and doing laundry. Boring I know, but it has to be done!

And now I'm counting down the days until spring break...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Who Loves You?

Molly is at Steve's and I favorite stage: she can transport herself from room to room, she can feed herself (for the most part) and she says the most wonderful things! When you give her a choice between two things, she always chooses what you said last, "Molly, do you want oatmeal or cereal?"
"Molly do you want cereal or oatmeal?"

Besides being able to decide what to eat for breakfast and being able to name the important body parts (such as the tragus and the filtrum) she can answer very important questions like "Where's your blankie?" (her answer is always "I da no") and "Who loves you?".

Lately whenever we ask Molly, "Who loves you?" Her first and emphatic response is "Lacy does". No matter how we ask, she always says, "Lacy does" first. Funny thing is Molly is the LAST person Lacy loves! Lacy is the first thing Molly asks for in the morning and Molly is very concerned about Lacy's whereabouts. "Wacy, ere ah ou?" she asks as she looks around our room (Lacy sleeps on a pillow in our room). Lacy is usually hiding in the furthermost corner of the house when she hears Molly calling her name.

If we keep asking her we might get lucky and she'll name one of us.