Monday, June 28, 2010


They say change is good, that it strengthens the soul...WHATEVER! Whoever said this obviously didn't make big changes every 2 to 3 years! So far in our marriage, Steve and I have made big changes about every 2 years. Well, this year is no exception!

After much thought, and more thought, and even more thought along with a bunch of other stuff, we have decided to move back to Utah for a bit. The kids and I are flying out the beginning of July and Steve is going to stay behind to finish up some projects on the house and then drive out.

Yes, this is all very sudden. We have been agonizing over this for weeks now and didn't "finalize" our decision until about a week ago. This has been a hard decision for us to make and is very bitter-sweet. We are SO excited to see family, adventure in the mountains, and eat REAL mexican food. But are very sad to leave the family we have here. We have met so many wonderful people out here and have made a lot of good friends. We can't tell you how much we have been blessed by the people who have welcomed us into their homes and into their lives. They have certainly left footprints on our hearts and on our souls. We will not forget you.

Before this gets too mushy (too late, sorry!), this is the latest news so far. We are not quite sure how long we will be in Utah, or where we are going to live or what we are "doing" next....That has yet to be determined.

So let the next adventure begin!


Carrie Medford said...

Now you are much closer! Maybe our paths will cross again...

Kimo said...

We are sad to see you go. We will miss you! Good luck with all your changes.

Jagged Rocks said...

Yippy you will get so see Kate!! Hopefully everything will work out for you guys soon.

P Haggard said...

Don't Go!! We can't live without you!

Love you guys!

Jessica 7 said...

Boo for moving away from us! Yay for getting to be by family and real Mexican food. I'll miss you, and am so glad you joined us at Cows & Cones last week! Best of luck Alli!