Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cousins, Cousins, & More Cousins

What does the Blake Family do in the summer time??? Visit Utah and play with cousins! My brother from Ohio, and my sister from Colorado came to visit for the past two weeks and James & Molly have been LOVING all the time they have been able to spend with their cousins. So far we have...

1. ...spent a weekend in St. George with Steve's parents.
2. ...gone to the zoo, again.
3. ...gone to Lagoon.
4. ...cooked dinner in the mountains.
5. ...celebrated Alli's 33rd birthday.
6. ...hiked up to Cecret Lake.
7. ...learned to do summersaults.
8. ...and last but not least, simply enjoyed the finer thing of summer such as watermelon, weddings, and wonderful sunsets. (Did you like my alliteration there?? It took me a while to come up with it)

1 comment:

Q said...

Fun times, we are also enjoying some of those same things while we are here in Utah!