Sunday, August 5, 2012

Baby Max

Wow, where to begin...

Ok, so it wasn't HOURS of excruciating pain, (see Pregnancy Post), it was only about 45 minutes.

I'd ben having contractions on and off for several days and on Thursday July 26th, I had my 38 week appointment.  My doctor sent me over to the hospital to have some lab work done and to be monitored (I had high blood pressure again after several weeks of normal blood pressure) and at 9:00 pm he told the nurse to tell us to go home because everything was normal and I was only dilated to a 3 maybe 4.  Luckily Steve, and the nurse, convinced me to hang out for a while to "see what would happen" because the contractions were getting stronger.  At 9:30 the nurse checked me and I was dilated to a 5 1/2 and I was having a hard time talking through the contractions...good thing too because no sooner than that my water broke and then it all went on fast forward...or so it seemed.

Luckily the dr was on call, so he was close and able to make it in time (unlike Molly's speedy delivery).  First thing he said when he walked in the room was, "You weren't kidding, you do go fast!"  I asked for an epidural...both the dr and Steve said that I might as well push because it would take longer to get one than it would for the baby to come out...needless to say, Max was born at 10:18 pm after an intense 45 minutes of craziness...


Max was having problems keeping his glucose levels up, so he had to go to the NICU.   It was hard to see him hooked up to all the monitors and IV's. 
 It made both Steve and I cry. 

Welcome Max Oliver Duncan!

Thursday July 26th, 10:18 pm
5 lbs. 15 ounces, 19.75 inches 

We are so excited that you are here!

1 comment:

bets said...

oh alli, he's beautiful. can't wait to meet him. and i LOVE his name.