Monday, January 11, 2010

Fairy Wings and the Three Wise Guys

For Christmas Eve, we were invited to spend an evening with friends. The dinner was delicious soup and afterwards we re-enacted the nativity scene. This was definitely the highlight of the evening. Molly was the donkey, James was a sherpard, I was a "wise guy" and Steve was a heralding angel. Afterwards we went home and opened our Christmas jammies. Check it out:

My favorite quotes from the evening:
Steve: "Can someone help me with my fairy wings?"
Chad: "I left my GPS on the other camel."


Jessica 7 said...

From all I hear about that nativity reenactment, it's really too bad it wasn't recorded! I love the pictures.

Fishfyer said...

Love the Christmas pj's!! Funny that Nathan got almost the same ones for his Christmas Eve PJ's. Buzz light year and that same green color!! lol Small world