Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring Break

I had spring break from April 12th to the 16th. But because the weather was so freakin' awesome, the kids and I decided to go on an adventure the week before. One evening we stopped at our favorite trail on Bluff Point and went for a "little" hike....for 3.7 miles. That may not seem long to you, but for James it was VERY long! But he was a trooper and walked almost the entire way without a single complaint.

We really enjoyed the break. I loved being at home with James and Molly and I'm sure James and Molly enjoyed me not being so grumpy! Here's a short synopsis of what we did and a slide show for you to enjoy!

Sunday: we had out first fire and bar-b-que of the year. So much fun!

Monday: the kids and I enjoyed the great weather by playing at the playground. Molly and James LOVED the slide.

Tuesday: for kicks, I decided to actually "do" Molly's hair...I got creative. Then we cleaned out the car in anticipation for our trip on Wednesday.

Wednesday: we traveled up to Boston to go to the Museum of Science with some friends. While there we went to a Lightening/Electricity Show. It was too loud for Molly but James thought it was pretty cool. We definitely want to go back and explore some more.

Thursday: we had a lazy morning by sleeping in and then had a special treat of having Daddy home for a couple of hours before he went to school, his second home lately. Daddy and Molly built a kaleidascope together.

Friday: after 3 LONG years, Steve was finally able to show off all of his hard work. The Lyme Academy's senior show started Friday and we attended the open house. Steve received a lot of compliments on his work.

Unfortunately, Monday the 19th came all too soon and we went back to work and to "school". But as of today there are only 39 days of school left for me and then we are onto our next to what that is, that is the million dollar question.

We are currently taking votes as to what we should do next. If we pick your idea, you win!

Any suggestions????


Carrie Medford said...

Visit me!

Jessica 7 said...

My vote is for you to stay in CT!

Kimo said...

I think you should be really adventurous and go live in Europe for a year or two... I vote Italy!