Thursday, April 1, 2010

Surprise! More Rain...

Last Saturday, the 27th, a friend and I threw a surprise birthday party for our friend, Loni, who turned 30 on the 24th. It was my first ever coordinated party/gathering of the female species at my house. Wanting everything to go just right (as I am always nervous about my lack of hostessing skills), I cleaned the house from top to bottom including cleaning the family room 10:00 Thursday night.

Of course, I was needlessly worried because the party went off without a hitch. Loni was truly surprised and almost everyone came, we missed those who couldn't come and hope you are feeling better! We had ice cream sundays, socialized, and played "Say Anything"; a fun game that is a great way to get to know people and a great way to get some laughs. "In your opinion, what is the worst thing about being a woman...What is the worst thing about being a man...What is the most innappropriate thing to display on your desk..." Fun times!

While my friends and family in Utah were getting snowed on (NOT JEALOUS!!!) we were getting rained on for the past week. Our lawn gnomes have put in a request for a gondola because they keep getting flooded out. It literally rained non-stop all day Monday and clear into Tuesday night.

We got so much rain that there was flooding everywhere on Tuesday the 30th. School were cancelling and letting out early (all except mine of course!) and it took me an hour to get home because of all the road closures. Here is a link that shows a movie of what happened to Route 27, a road I take every day to and from work...yeah, it was closed. This is the one time I am glad I don't have a basement. My sympathies to all those who got flooded out on Tuesday.

Read about the flood here:

But the rains have stopped and the land is starting to dry out. I've got tomorrow off (04/02) for Good Friday and I am really looking forward to this weekend: warm weather (in the 70's!), Easter, and of course, General Conference.


Trisha said...

Wow, that is really insaine! Im glad you are all ok, that looks catastrophic.

Jessica 7 said...

Love the party pics! You did a great job hostessing. What really IS the most inappropriate thing to display on your desk....? ;)