Thursday, September 23, 2010

James's Adventure...

James missed entering Kindergarten by 10 days. In Utah, you have to be 5 before school starts in order to enter Kindergarten. So James is attending Adventure Preschool this year.

It's a preschool that a lady in my parent's neighborhood is running out of her home. She's been doing it for 25 years and so far James has loved every day of school! He wears specific colors for color days and bring a show-and-tell. He always wants to know if its a "school day"...

James on his orientation day doing his fire power pose...
James's first day of preschool...he still has half his sandwich in his mouth...

1 comment:

Jessica 7 said...

Man-I can't believe he missed the cutoff! Should've started him here, right? The Adventure Preschool sounds like the perfect thing.