Monday, April 25, 2011

The other side of the finish line...

Many of you know that I like to run...ok, I REALLY like to run. I like it so much, that I'll get up at insane hours (4:00 am) just so I can get a run in before work. Lately Steve has caught on to this love of mine. In January he decided to train for a half marathon. On March 16th he ran the Salt Lake half marathon. He completed the 13.1 miles in 1:46!! An awesome time for a first half marathon! I was so excited for him! It's an amazing experience to train for and run a race of this distance. It's just as amazing to watch people cross the finish line. It was incredible for me to watch him finish and know he had accomplished his goal.

James ran the kids race...a 1K race that crossed the same finish line the adult runners crossed.


McKenna said...

That is seriously impressive! I want to do this but so far don't have the drive to do it!

Q said...

Way to go Steve, and Ali for letting him be the one racing (that's the hard part I think)!