Sunday, July 3, 2011

Going Native...

After a four year absence, we were finally able to participate in the annual Duncan Family Campout! This year we spent June 10 - 12 at Freemont Indian State Park. None of us had ever been there, so it was new adventure for our family.

Sometimes it was hard for James to appreciate all the cool stuff we had to look at...

Pictographs by the visitors center

Cave of 100 Hands
We only counted about 20....maybe they should rename it to Cave of 100/5 Hands

Molly practicing her grumpy face.

No matter where we go, Molly is always able to find a place to play in the dirt.

This time it was the volleyball pit that served as the place of choice. Aunt Kathy found a sprinkler and the kids were able to flood the sand pit...All the kids got good and dirty as all kids should when they are camping.

At our group campsite, we basically had a small canyon all to ourselves. The kids had a blast being noisy and hiking all over the rocks.

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