Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Official End of Summer

School started and that officially ended summer for the Duncans. Before all the craziness, we had one last hoorah and went to Misquamicut Beach in Rhode Island. It was awesome! A good friend of mine from school came and helped out with the kids (She was Molly's best friend the whole trip) and we spent lots of time in the sun and the sand. I couldn't pick which picture to post, so check out the slide show. We also went camping (in the rain!) the weekend after but somehow we missed getting pictures of that adventure.

Over the summer James perfected his stunts so he can make lots of money being a stunt man:

Molly worked on perfecting her handstand so she can join Cirque de Soleil and become famous.

We also had lots of other adventures this summer that I haven't mentioned, but I tried to include pictures in the slide show.

Oh James wants me to mention that we have a frog living in our front garden. His name is Mr. Frog. He watches over our house while we are gone and only comes out at night.

James also acquired a lovely rock collection over the summer. I have tried to relocate it several times, but James has disapproved of the location every time. He said something about it not doing justice to their beauty. I finally decided to incorporate it into my decorating and voila! James loves having his collection out for display.

And finally, to start the school year off right, Steve dyed my hair burgundy; new year, new color, new me!

And thus the school year adventures begin...


Cyndi and Logan said...

I like the hair!! Looks like you have had many fun adventures, how fun!! OH, Back to school..... good luck Mrs. Duncan!!!

Cyndi and Logan said...

P.S. I love the New England fall picture, gorgeous, wish I was there!!

KCJaques said...

I like your hair!! Looking good. Sounds like you had a fun summer.

Alli said...

Confession: the pictures of the leaves are from two years ago! he he he! The leaves haven't started to turn yet, but the days are definitely getting shorter and colder! Ew!

Alli said...

Confession: the pictures of the leaves are from two years ago! he he he! The leaves haven't started to turn yet, but the days are definitely getting shorter and colder! Ew!