Sunday, September 27, 2009

Frogs, and Snails, and Super Hero Tales

The other evening as I was fixing dinner, James was playing with his friends from next door. Just as I was about to call him in for dinner, he came running up to the door all excited. On his own (without daddy's help) he had caught a frog! "A big ol' fatty!" in James's words. James was so excited and of course wanted him to stay for dinner (Please please please please please!!!) Well, we were having waffles for dinner (it had been a REALLY bad day at work (another long story) and I didn't feel like making a real dinner) so I told James that I didn't think the frog would enjoy waffles. It took some convincing but James finally let the frog go in our garden out front. He was comforted by the fact that Mr. Frog (see an earlier post) would keep him company and they would have wonderful adventures just like in the story Frog and Toad.

I also stepped out of my "mom" comfort zone and threw a friend party for James on the 19th. It was a super hero theme and we held it in our clubhouse; there was no way I would have been able to fit 10 4 year olds and all their energy in my house. I was very nervous, having it be my first public display of mom talent (I have none), but everyone said it went off very well and the only tears were James's when he couldn't play with ALL of his presents before we had cake. The kids got superhero capes, decorated masks, rescued the civilians of Little Yellow Land from the gravel monster, and then helped Spider Man make a web. It went very well and almost all of the kids stayed after to play while the mom's chatted...a sure sign of a party well planned and executed (LOL!!!!!).

Sorry the pictures are blurry...
And oh yes, I finally got to put up my fall wreath (my favorite wreath). It looks wonderful! Now to get some pumpkins to complete the fall look...


Steve said...

I hope to find the pumkin lights and put them up.

Q said...

Nice job on the birthday party! That can always be a frightening task! Looks like it went off well.

Jessica 7 said...

Waffles are a fine dinner! Glad James had a great b-day party. You are very talented.

KCJaques said...

Look at your mad super mom skills! And I love brinner (that's breakfast fro dinner. You get a gold start!

Trisha said...

wow, sounds like a fun party. Isnt being a teacher just like being a mommy to 30 kids? I think ou are probably an awesome mom!

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but you have a TON of mom talent. That party was awesome, and you were such a great host! You looked totally at ease, and you were so calm. :) I don't know what you are talking about have no mom talent for, but I don't like to here it, young lady, because you did a wonderful job! :D

Cyndi and Logan said...

Way to go supermom!! I totally know about the waffle dinner, ours is pancakes, but I do love breakfast for dinner. Don't you love little boys and all their adventures??? : )